BY PHONE: Call (856) 881-3185, Monday thru Friday
7:30 am to 4:00 pm EST, to speak with a friendly
Customer Service representative who can help you
with any questions regarding to orders with us.
To place an order by phone, please call (856) 881-3185
Monday thru Friday 7:30 am to 4:00 pm EST.
For technical product questions, please call (856) 881-3185
Monday thru Friday 7:30 am to 4:00 pm EST.
BY FAX: Fax you concerns to (856) 881-0214.
BY MAIL: Write to: Joseph Fazzio, Inc. Customer Service,
2760 Glassboro-Cross Keys Rd., Glassboro, NJ 08028.
BY EMAIL: Please click a department below. Emails are typically
answered within 2 business days.
Note: Never send credit card data in an email If your email is regarding an issue that requires your credit card data, provide your telephone number and we will contact you to better serve your issues/concerns.
General Customer Service - For in-store questions and/or concerns with regards to products, services, and purchases.
Website Customer Service - For anything website related, including order status/inquiries.
Technical Questions - For techincal questions regarding any one of our products.
Surplus Sales - For anything related to Surplus sales
Construction Equipment Sales - For anything related to Construction Equipment Sales